Sunday, 11th March 2012, 12:41pm
Almost a quarter of a million people have now signed up!We need to make sure we capture your photos and stories from your Walks for Water and Sanitation! And, like last year, we are again running an exciting photo competition for you all!
This year, we are making a film about the World Walks for Water and Sanitation to show world leaders that hundreds of thousands of people want them to attend the
Sanitation and Water for All High Level Meeting in Washington D.C! Once there, we want to let them know that we are watching and expect them to make firm commitments to ensure they get taps and toilets to the world's poorest communities.
As you know, the SWA High-Level Meeting takes place only a month after World Water Day so we will be making the film very quickly! If you want photos of your walk to appear in the film, please do send them by 27th March!
Send your photos to our flickr page!How to do it!
1) Attach your photos to an email, put the location of your event and your organisation in the subject line, add a short description of the walk in the text body.
2) Send to
yay70add@photos.flickr.com Your photos will automatically appear in our photostream. This can be done using your computer or your smartphone!
All photographs sent to us will be entered in to the World Walks for Water and Sanitation photo competition! The categories are:
1. Largest amount of people in a photo
2. Most unusual location
3. Best slogan featured in a photo
4. Best lobbying of a politician in a photo
5. Most artistic photo
6. Most colourful photo
7. Most inspiring photo
Winners will have their photos featured on our website, in our publications and on our facebook page - and will also receive a certificate and some goodies!We are very excited about seeing your photos!

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Thursday, 8th March 2012, 12:33pm
Natasha Horsfield is the Campaigns and Communications intern at End Water Poverty. Here she blogs about our new Country Snapshots available now for the World Walks for Water and Sanitation.The World Walks for Water and Sanitation is fast approaching and we have a whole set of new and up to date
country snapshots available to help you tailor your national demands for the campaign!
These brilliant new resources give you all the key information you need about the water and sanitation crisis in your country, as well as key asks and key decision makers to target to help you shape what you are calling for at your World Walks for Water and Sanitation event; particularly in the build up to the Sanitation and Water for All High Level Meeting in April 2012!
Use the information in your country snapshot alongside specific issues you wish to highlight at your event and make your national decision makers take notice at this year’s World Walks for Water and Sanitation!

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Wednesday, 7th March 2012, 04:29pm
Natasha Horsfield is the Campaigns and Communications intern at End Water Poverty. Here, she blogs about the new World Walks for Water and Sanitation leaflet and gives updates on the campaign so far!
Things are really hotting up here at End Water Poverty in the build up to the World Walks for Water and Sanitation! We have a great new resource available (soon be available in French too) to help you organise your walk and inspire others to get involved – the World Walks for Water and Sanitation Leaflet!
It’s a great resource to give out at walks, leave in local offices and hand out before World Water Day to encourage people to take part; explaining why the World is Walking for Water and Sanitation, why Water and Sanitation is SO important and why people should get involved!
The number of people who will be walking for water and sanitation around the world is now past 230,000! Exciting walks have been organised across the globe including in Belgium, where KTA-Wollemarkt are organising a 25km walk, in India where FANSA India have mobilised 25,000 people to walk in various locations, and in Madagascar where over 40,000 people are expected to walk! Other exciting events include 6km walks taking place in Sierra Leone (organised by WASH-Net Sierra Leone) and Benin (organised by ICA Benin) as well as multiple walks in Pakistan, the UK and Brazil to name just a few!
With campaign momentum building around the world, why not join a walk near to you, organise your own or sign up online! Details of how to do so and how your action can make a real difference can also be found in our new leaflet, available in the resources section of our website!

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