Are you attending the World Water Forum in Marseille next week?
End Water Poverty are organising two exciting events for you to get involved in!
On Monday, at 15.45, immediately after the Butterfly Effect conference, we are organising a
World Walks for Water and Sanitation! Come and join us to kick off this year's campaign and raise awareness of the hundreds of thousands of people who will be walking next week. It will only be a short walk, lasting about 20 minutes, so it would be great if you could take the time to take part! And, since the World Walks for Water and Sanitation is a global event, we would love it if you could come dressed in your national traditional dress if possible!
Should water and sanitation be in the new MDGs?Tell us what you think by coming to our official side-event on Friday 16th March 1t 13:15 in Riou (PC16) in Palais des Congres! Find out how we can make sure that water and sanitation are given the attention they deserve in the post-2015 framework by getting End Water Poverty members and partners engaged in the UN processes.
Do let us know if you are going to be in Marseille! We'd love to see you there! Contact Jen at
[email protected] .
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