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What are we calling for?

Internationally, we want the World Walks for Water and Sanitation to make governments take the actions needed to ensure safe sanitation and clean water for all. That means keeping the promises they have already made as part of the Millennium Development Goals, including halving the proportion of people without access to sanitation and water by 2015, and commitments made at the national level to their own budgetary investments in the sector.

Commitments made at the Sanitation and Water for All High Level Meeting can reverse the political and financial neglect of the water and sanitation sector by ensuring that enough resources are available, to be spent where they are needed and in the way that is most effective. This is why it’s crucial for your Development or Finance Minister to attend and commit to taking action!

Find out more about what we are calling for here.

In your country, you can use the World Walks for Water and Sanitation to support any national and local campaigns you are already running, adapting the messages and demands to your own context.

Whether you are campaigning for sanitation in schools, more water points or better funding, walking for water and sanitation is a great way to get your voices heard!


Get Involved

Joining the Walk is easy, fun and you’ll be putting your name to the global call to end the sanitation and water crisis too!

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