Get Involved
1. Organise a walk
- Choose a route to a water or political point, and gather friends, high profile supporters and politicians to join your walk.
- Register your walk and find online resources (a toolkit, press releases, posters, promotional leaflets and more ideas on making your walk amazing) at
- Send a political message - remember this is about political action not fundraising. Invite your local politician to walk with you or receive your petition at the end, make banners for your walks with key messaging you wish to convey or hand in a giant invitation to the SWA High-Level Meeting to your Finance or Development minister.
- Sing dance and have fun!
- Spread the word through e-mail, letters, flyers, posters and local media. Explain why The World Walks for Water and Sanitation is happening and explain your political demands.
Explain why The World Walks for Water is happening and your political demands.
- Make sure you send images and footage of your walk to
Find and download resources here
2. Already taking part in a fundraising walk for water and sanitation?
... then why not make a political statement with your activity and be involved with us? You could ask walkers to sign a petition asking governments to keep their promises; encourage your supporters to join us in meeting politicians to talk about water and sanitation; or arrange walks could meet at your national Parliament or another political space.
3. Join a planned walk
We're working with a large number of national and local partners, and events are being organised in cities and villages around the world. Find an event to join near you on the map.